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Forever is an elusive idea, a hummingbird darting about a window, a stray piece of hair from underneath the hat, caught in the wind. Just out of our reach, toying us to come farther to catch it, to understand fully, to lock it away in our stores of knowledge that we call memory.

I’ll love you forever my darling. Forever in this world is til the end of our days. Til our hearts can no longer take the stress of beating, til the tiresome ideal of opening our eyes every morning is too much for our minds to comprehend.

Forever is a kind hand helping another, a lone “thank you”, a quiet smile in the morning, a welcome hug in the evening. Forever is all of these, and more, wrapped in a promise that the next life will be happier than our own hearts can ever possibly hope to understand. Forever is not worrying when something goes wrong, rather, trusting the plan that is greater than us. Forever is being joyful in the face of hardship. Forever is doing small things with great love.

Forever is a promise.

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